Before you follow the below steps make sure you have an Application server ready with specifications and environment as mentioned in Pre-requisites. It is assumed that you already have ASP .NET 4.5 configured to run on your IIS server.
Steps to configure IIS:
1. Extract the Build from the link provided by us to your local machine.
2. Go to ‘‘Turn Windows features on or off’ on your local machine and enable the following features in your IIS Windows Features
a. FTP Server
b. Web Management Tool
c. World Wide Web Services
a) Application Development Feature
a. Enable all features under it.
b) Common HTTP Features
a. Enable all features under it except WebDav Publishing
Note: If WebDav Service is enabled, an error will be encountered for ‘Put’ method while saving Attachments Setting.
Run IIS as administrator :
In order to add new build follow the below process.
1. Click on the server certificate.
2. Right side click on the "create self-signed certificate".
3. Specify the name of the certificate and choose Web Hosting to store the certificate.
To add build on server:
1. Right Click on Default Web Site.
2. Select Add application.
3. Specify your respective alias name, Application pool (.NET 4.5) browse to the physical path where the build is saved.
4. Click on ok.
To bind the self-signed certificate :
1. Click on the Default Web Site.
2. Right side click on the Bindings.
3. Click on Add and enter the details of Type, IP address and port.
To browse application.
1. Click on the added application.
2. Click on the Manage Application then Browse.