supports Azure Blob as a storage server.To use the Azure blob as storage server for, there should be a dedicated storage account and container on blob end.
Settings to be done at Azure Blob:
1.Select Storage accounts under Favorites on Azure portal account.
2. Click on “Add” icon to add a Blob type storage account where you want to store data in a container.
3. Refer the image given below for adding storage account with desired settings.
4. Create a Container to store the files of specific Account.
Go to Storage Account
Open specific Storage Account and select the Container option.
Click on “+ Container” icon, enter the required details and click on OK.
5. Open the storage account and select CORS under settings.
6. Add a CORS Rule as shown in figure.
In allowed origin, add the domain name from your Attachments Expert Setting Page
Select all the allowed verbs
Enter * into Allowed Headers(the response headers that may be sent in the response to the CORS request and exposed by the browser to the request issuer)and Exposed Headers(the request headers that the origin domain may specify on the CORS request) as shown in above figure.
Enter the desired seconds(the maximum amount time that a browser should cache the preflight OPTIONS request) in Maximum Age.