The List Rollup displays a collection of related records as a single, aggregated list within a parent object. Unlike numerical or text aggregation, the List Rollup provides a structured view of related data in a specific field. Let’s understand how it works with an example.
Example Use Case:
In the automobile industry, businesses that manage vehicle services may need to view all due service details directly on the account record.
Object Hierarchy: Service → Vehicle → Account
Steps to Create a List Rollup
Create a New Rollup:
Add a Rollup:
Click the Add Rollup button.
Select the Rollup Type as List.
Configure Fields:
Set Filter Criteria:
Activate, Save and Run:
check the Activate checkbox
Then, click the Save & Run button to process the rollup.
Now, on the Account record, you will see all due service records consolidated into a single field.