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Upgrade License.dat files
Updated over 3 months ago

Carry out below steps at your Standalone server to update your license.

1. Keep a backup of your License.dat file.
Please find the License.dat file in the mentioned path : sforce/App_Data/License.dat

2. Replace all License.dat files which we have provided you, with the older one in the below path: sforce/App_Data/
3. Before Login to your Standalone server using your Orektic account, please restart your IIS.

4. Login to your Standalone server using your Orektic account e.g. http://yourserver/sforce/

5. Enter your Orektic login and password to your Orektic account.

6. Once you are successfully logged in, page will be redirected to your Subscriptions page and you will notice that Subscription information is updated.

Note: No need to perform Get Live Profile now.

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